Customer Testimonials

We seek success in making our customers successful. Companies utilizing BeatRoute report direct, measurable, highly positive impact on their key business KPIs.



Lower Cost of Field Sales Operations

“BeatRoute has enabled us to increase our market coverage by 15%, while reducing the cost of field sales operations by 10% at the same time. “

Mayak Pandey,
Perfetti Van Melle

field sales crm beatroute



Higher Revenue Per Retail Store

“BeatRoute has helped us improve our revenue per outlet by 30% & sales per executive by 40%, through Goal-Driven Sales Approach, performance benchmarking & creation of better market coverage strategy.”

Tiffany Ngkaion,
Davies Paints

field sales crm beatroute



Higher Sales Productivity

“We have witnessed 50% higher sales productivity with BeatRoute’s Goal-Driven Sales Approach.”

Rahul Jha,
Cosmic Nutracos

field sales crm beatroute